If you’re wondering what is currently going on in the halls of FCA, here is a sneak peek. The entire student body is divided into ten color teams. Students earn points for various things throughout the year– Spirit Week was a big points booster! In addition to our dedicated staff committed to providing an excellent education, they find time to sneak fun in too!

During FCA’s annual Cupcake Wars, students work in teams to create cupcake flavors and designs that coordinate with FCA’s spring Fine Arts Program. Adults and select FCA elementary judges evaluate each team’s cupcake based on flavor, texture, design, and theme relevance. Teams provide flavor and design information to the judges and explain how the cupcakes represent the theme. The top winners’ cupcakes are featured and sold at Fine Arts Night as a school fundraiser.
Ask any elementary student what event they look forward to each year and most will say FIELD DAY! Each year, typically during the last week of school, the elementary students participate in Field Day. Our fabulous P.E. teacher Mrs. Brodnick, with the help of high school students and parent volunteers, plans and runs a fun day of games and activities in which mixed-age teams participate. A few examples include an obstacle course on our playground, varying relay races, and a “sword” fight over water! The goal of every game is to encourage one another and build each other up as it says in Ephesians. The day culminates with an ice-pop treat!
Psalm 100 says, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.” At FCA we are truly thankful to God for all His many blessings each day, but especially at Thanksgiving time. A beloved annual tradition is the Thanksgiving Luncheon held on the Tuesday before the Thanksgiving holiday. Families contribute food items and the PTO provides the turkeys and volunteers to provide a truly special and delicious feast. Students are encouraged to dress up like pilgrims or Native Americans and the whole school shares a time of feasting and fellowship. This event is a wonderful opportunity for parents and grandparents to volunteer in the school and spend time together as a school community.
On March 1, 2019, FCA hosted its annual Winter Tea. K4-6th grade students dressed up for the occasion and invited family and friends to join them for refreshments that morning. Those in attendance enjoyed listening to the students recite various poems with their classes. K4 and K5 as well as a group in the 6th grade class recited the poem “Three Guests” by Jessica Nelson North, which was fitting for the tea party theme. The 1st and 2nd graders entertained guests by dressing up in penguin costumes and doing an amusing penguin dance. Students in 3rd-6th grade also did a wonderful job delivering their poems. Winter Tea provided an enjoyable time for all who were able to participate.
A highlight of each year at FCA is our annual Fine Arts Night held in May. This is a joint collaboration between our Music, Art, and Culinary programs. All elementary students from K4-6th grade participate in the music portion by singing or playing instruments such as glockenspiel, recorder, and hand bells. The middle and high school chorus performs pieces using more complex harmonies and often featuring soloists. All Art students have works on display in the multipurpose room that showcase the different techniques studied throughout the year. Cupcakes made by the high school cooking class are sold to benefit the school. The two featured cupcakes were determined at the annual Cupcake Wars event. A common theme ties together the music, art, and cupcake designs. Last year’s theme was Celebrating God’s Creation. This year’s theme is an international celebration! You are invited to attend Fine Arts Night on Friday, May 10 at 7pm.
High school cooking classes are designed to build upon skills each year. It is a hands on class that teaches students the value of teamwork and responsibility with clean up while students become comfortable with foods and cooking techniques. Students prepare a recipe together in class and close with sampling and evaluating. Cooking I introduces basics skills to students. Students become comfortable working with breads, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and meats. The recipes prepared consist of main dishes, snacks, appetizers, and desserts. Cooking II enhances the students’ knowledge acquired in Cooking I. Emphasis is placed on more complicated main dishes and desserts. We hope to implement Cooking which will focus on specialty foods and foods from a variety of cultures.
The highlight of the cooking classes is FCA’s annual Cupcake Wars. Students work in teams to create cupcake flavors and designs that coordinate with FCA’s spring Fine Arts Program. Adults and select FCA elementary judges evaluate each team’s cupcake based on flavor, texture, design, and theme relevance. Teams provide flavor and design information to the judges and explain how the cupcakes represent the theme. The top winners’ cupcakes are featured and sold at Fine Arts Night as a school fundraiser.
In gym classes, children are introduced to a variety of games and sports focusing on good sportsmanship and teamwork.
K4 through 4th grade involves relays, using cooperative play, hand-eye coordination, as well as gross and fine motor skills. Also taught in these classes are the 5 components of fitness and basic sign language words. The 5 components are Muscle strength, Muscle endurance, Cardio endurance, Flexibility, and Body composition.
5th through 8th grade focuses more on teamwork with a variety of games and sports. Fundamental rules and strategies are also given for sports like soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball, football, and hockey. Cooperative play is stressed as well.
High school students are taught proper techniques and execution of a variety of sports. Team projects include the 5 components of fitness and how to stay healthy. Good sportsmanship and proper attitude is stressed not only in class but also in life. Working well with others and learning teamwork are skills they will need throughout life.
All classes are age appropriate to maximize each child’s strengths and to encourage improving their weaknesses. Curriculum is rotated every 2 weeks with new and exciting sports and games designed to maximize each student’s potential. At the end of each year, all students in grades 1 through 12 test on the physical fitness test. The elementary students also participate in an exciting and fun-filled field day.
1 Chronicles 16:9 says, “Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works!”
Music education provides a variety of learning experiences for the developing spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, and physical needs of our students. In music classes at Fellowship, we strive to honor the Lord in all our activities. Through the practice of music, students acquire skills, values, behaviors, and knowledge that are essential for success in life. Students should aspire to use their knowledge, skills, talents, and abilities to serve the Lord and bless others. Therefore, we have the students prepare and present at least two performances a year: the Christmas Program and Fine Arts Night. Our desire is to honor the Lord with music.
Movement, singing, circle games, melody, rhythm instruments, bells, rhythm work, and enrichment are all an important part of Music Education of the younger grades.
More complex movement, singing, folk dances, melody, harmony, recorders, bells, handbells, rhythm work, note and rhythm reading, active listening to music, and enrichment are all an important part of Music Education for these grades.
This full year course is open to all in grades 7-12. Students are encouraged to sing for the Lord! They will learn to sing properly and dynamically, read music, and perform a wide variety of choral literature from different genres of music. Students are assessed several times a year though written and oral exams. Students are encouraged to prepare and audition for the Northeast Junior or Senior District Choruses. Students perform three or more times a year: the Christmas Program, Fine Arts and Graduation. All for the glory of God!
FCA Provides many opportunities for family involvement and community service.